Drop 002

Good morning! Welcome to Drop 002 of the 1AND1 newsletter, your weekly dose of 1% Better. Here's what we've got for you this week ⬇️

  • Simple steps to improve your mental health and create more mental space

  • Discover a new way to journal, using your voice instead of writing

  • Tips to help strengthen meaningful relationships when life starts life-ing

  • A simple and effective breathing technique to reduce stress

  • Tools to help you manage and save your money

  • Inside a 70+ pound weight loss journey that’s sure to leave you inspired

  • Some really, really good news

...And much more. Let's dive in!

1 Dose For Your Mind 🧠

Feeling overwhelmed? These simple steps can help you improve your mental health and create more mental space:

Start voice journaling: Try speaking your thoughts out loud instead of writing them down. The Voice Notes app is a great option if you have an iPhone.

Spend time with loved ones: Surround yourself with people who make you feel good and support you.

Set SMART goals: Write down what you want to achieve and focus on the positive. It can help boost your mood and motivation.

Practice mindfulness: Take a few minutes each day to focus on your breath and be present in the moment.

Mix up your routine: Try new things and break the monotony.

πŸ’Š How To Take Your Dose:

Try voice journaling for at least 10 minutes a day and set a SMART goal for this week. Schedule a call or meeting with a loved one and plan an activity that breaks your daily routine.

1 Dose For Your Body πŸ’ͺ

Here's your reminder to breathe! The 4-7-8 breathing technique is a simple and effective way to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Here's how to do it:

  1. Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down and maintain good posture.

  2. Place the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth, behind your top front teeth. Keep it there throughout the practice.

  3. Breathe out completely through your mouth with a whooshing sound.

  4. Close your lips and breathe in silently through your nose for a count of four.

  5. Hold your breath for a count of seven.

  6. Breathe out completely through your mouth with a whooshing sound for a count of eight.

  7. Repeat this cycle for four breaths, gradually working up to eight as you become comfortable with the technique.

  8. Remember to practice in a relaxed and comfortable setting, not when you need to be alert immediately after.

πŸ’Š How To Take Your Dose:

Try the 4-7-8 breathing technique for 4 breaths when you're feeling stressed or anxious or before going to bed to fall asleep. Gradually work up to 8 breaths.

For more tips on breathing, see our article on Breathing Exercises for Energy and Productivity.

1 Dose For Your Wallet πŸ’΅

Managing your money can be tough, but there are tools to help. Here are some apps to help you save:

Chime: This app helps you keep track of your spending and set savings goals.

Digit: This app automatically saves small amounts of money from your checking account, so you can grow your savings without noticing.

Robinhood: This app allows you to invest your money and track your portfolio, it can also help you save for your future goals.

πŸ’Š How To Take Your Dose: 

Download one of these apps and set a savings goal for the next month. Track your spending and see how you can make adjustments to reach your goal and save more money.

1 Dose For Your Relationships ❀️

Feeling like your relationship is falling apart amidst the chaos of life? Here's how to keep your love strong:

Communicate: Talk to your partner daily about how you're feeling, what's on your mind, and what you need from them. Regular check-ins will strengthen your connection.

Compromise: Meet in the middle and find solutions that work for both of you. Show that your relationship is more important than being "right" or always getting your way.

Express Expectations: Be open and honest about what you need and what you're comfortable with. Speak up and create a genuinely open channel of communication.

Strive for Work-Life Balance: Make time for each other amidst the busyness of work and other responsibilities.

πŸ’Š How To Take Your Dose:

Schedule a regular check-in with your partner, and make it a priority to communicate openly and honestly. Work on finding a balance between your relationship and other responsibilities to strengthen your connection.

Real Stories From Real People πŸ“

Corey Lewis and His 70 Pound Weight Loss Journey

"I had always been an athlete, and still like to consider myself one to this day. I had dedicated myself to sports throughout high school and college, and even went on to play professionally as an Offensive lineman. But after retiring, I faced a new challenge: my weight.

I had worked hard to lose a significant amount of weight after my career was over, but I relapsed and gained it all back. My busy career and lack of motivation got the best of me, and before I knew it, I had gained even more weight than I had while playing football.

One day, while scrolling through photos on my phone, I came across a picture of myself with my shirt off. I didn't recognize the person in the photo. I was shocked by how much weight I had gained and knew that something had to change.

I knew it would take a lot of hard work and dedication to get back in shape, but I was determined. I started by making small changes to my diet, minimizing processed foods and sugar and increasing my intake of fruits and vegetables. As I started to eat better, I was motivated to begin exercising again, starting with a simple treadmill walking routine and gradually increasing the intensity and duration of my workouts.

Over time, my body began to change. I lost weight, my energy levels increased, and I felt better overall. I started to enjoy working out again and found that it had become an important part of my daily routine.

My transformation wasn't easy, but it was worth it. Although I still have a little ways to go, I'm back to feeling like my old self again and more motivated than ever to maintain my healthy lifestyle. I'm proud of the progress I've made and excited to continue on my fitness and wellness journey to see where it takes me next. I hope my story is a reminder that it's never too late to make a change, and that with determination and hard work, anything is possible."

Corey Lewis - Co-founder & CEO of 1AND1

***If you'd like to be featured in our Real Stories From Real People section, fill out this form. You could end up in one of our weekly drops and inspire thousands of readers with your story!

Good News Only πŸ€—

Ready for some good news? Here are our top three picks for this week!

  1. Former NFL RB Peyton Hillis is being hailed as a hero after nearly dying to save his two children who were caught in a riptide. πŸ¦ΈπŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

  2. U.S. Cancer Rate Has Fallen: According to research from the American Cancer Society, reports show the U.S. cancer death rate has fallen 33% since 1991. πŸ₯³

  3. TikTok sensation @keith_lee125 singlehandedly saves a struggling Las Vegas pizzeria with a glowing review, turning Frankenson's fortunes around and leaving the phone ringing off the hook! πŸ•

1AND1 Picks 🀝

Minaa's Minute πŸ’πŸΎβ€β™€οΈβ°

Meet Minaa B., 1AND1's Chief Behavioral Officer and licensed therapist. She's also a wellness coach and speaker who teaches people how to cultivate self-care through boundaries and community care. Each week, Minaa shares an actionable tip in "Minaa's Minute" β€” check it out below!

No matter where you go in life, you bring your body with you and that is why breathwork is a wonderful tool for stress and anxiety management. For this week, spend one minute practicing a breathwork exercise every day and pay attention to how you feel before and after.

Minaa B.

This Week On The Podcast πŸŽ™

Last week for Season 2: Episode 37, Danny interviewed educator, coach, mental health advocate, keynote speaker, and founder of Depression to Expression Scott Ste Marie about how his journey with depression and anxiety influenced his career path and why mental health care is important for all, no matter where you are in your life.

Listen on Spotify | Listen on Apple Podcasts *New episodes drop every Wednesday*

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That's a wrap for Drop 002. We'll see you next week! Remember β€” 1 Step At A Time, 1 Day At A Time, 1% Better, Together. β˜οΈπŸ‘†

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