Drop 012

🚨 Ring the alarm 🚨  Drop 012 of the 1AND1 newsletter is here. Ready to get 1% better this week? Let's get into it ⬇️  

  • Affirmations to help improve your mindset

  • National Nutrition Month and mindful eating tips

  • Tips for saving money during the springtime

  • How to build more trusting relationships with the important people in your life

  • A mother's inspiring story of overcoming the challenges of pregnancy, anxiety and depression

1 Dose For Your Mind 🧠

Affirmations help reinforce healthier thinking. 

Not only do affirmations help with healthier thinking, but they can also cultivate a more positive mindset, improve your self-esteem, and reduce stress and anxiety. Here are a few positive affirmations for you to try:

I am worthy of love and respect.

I trust my instincts and make decisions that are right for me.

I am capable of handling any challenge that comes my way.

I forgive myself for any mistakes I have made, and I learn from them.

I am capable of achieving my goals and living the life I want.

💊 How To Take Your Dose: 

This week, choose one or more of these affirmations and say them aloud or to yourself upon waking up, and right before you go to bed. For more affirmations to try, check out this article from our experts ➡️ 21 Affirmations to Calm Your Anxiety 

1 Dose For Your Body 💪

It's National Nutrition Month, which means it's the perfect time to prioritize our gut health and overall well-being through healthy eating. 

Here are some tips to help you get started:

Plan ahead: Take a few minutes to plan your meals and snacks for the week. Include a variety of healthy foods, such as fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Make small changes: Don't try to overhaul your entire diet at once. Start by making small changes to your eating habits. For example, try adding a serving of veggies to your lunch each day, or swap sugary drinks for water.

Keep a food diary: Writing down what you eat and drink each day can help you stay accountable and identify areas where you can improve.

Choose nutrient-dense foods: Focus on whole foods that are high in nutrients and low in calories. Avoid processed and packaged foods as much as possible.

Get active: Regular exercise is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Even a short walk around the block can make a difference.

Seek support: Enlist the help of family and friends to support your healthy eating goals. Join a local support group or online community to connect with others who are also focused on improving their health.

💊 How To Take Your Dose:Try adding a serving of veggies to every meal this week, or swapping out one processed snack for a piece of fruit. Making small changes can lead to big results!

Remember, prioritizing your nutrition doesn't have to be overwhelming. By making small changes and seeking support, you can improve your overall health and well-being. For more tips on healthy eating, check out our our article ➡️ 5 Healthy Eating Tips and Habits to Fuel Your Fitness

1 Dose For Your Wallet 💵

Spring is here. It's time to start saving some extra cash!

Here are some tips to help you embrace the season without breaking the bank:

Spring cleaning: Use simple ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice to make your own cleaning products instead of buying expensive ones. Declutter your home and sell items you no longer need online or in a garage sale.

Take advantage of sales: Look for deals on outdoor equipment like bikes, grills, and gardening tools. Check online and in-store sales to find discounts on these items.

Change your transportation: Save money on gas and parking by walking or biking to work or school. Enjoy the spring weather and get some exercise at the same time.

Plan outdoor activities: Instead of going out to eat or see a movie, plan free or low-cost outdoor activities like picnics, hikes, or bike rides to enjoy the season with loved ones.

Check your energy usage: Save money on energy bills by turning off lights and electronics when not in use and using energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs.

💊 How To Take Your Dose:

Try one of these tips this week and see how much money you can save while still enjoying the season. By following these simple tips, you can save money while still enjoying the season. So go ahead and embrace spring without worrying about your wallet!

1 Dose For Your Relationships ❤️

Building trust is a fundamental aspect of any healthy and long-lasting relationship. 

Here are some tips that can help you build trust with your partner: 

Be honest: Honesty is the foundation of trust in a relationship. Be truthful with your partner, even if it's uncomfortable or difficult.

Communicate openly: Communicate with your partner regularly and honestly. Share your thoughts and feelings and be receptive to each other's perspectives.

Keep your promises: If you make a promise to your partner, follow through on it. This shows your partner that they can trust you to keep your word.

Respect your partner's boundaries: Everyone has boundaries, and it's essential to respect your partner's. Be mindful of their needs and feelings and avoid pushing them beyond their comfort zone.

Be reliable: Show your partner they can count on you by being dependable and reliable. Make an effort to be there for them when they need you.

Apologize when you're wrong: If you make a mistake or hurt your partner, apologize and take responsibility for your actions. This demonstrates your commitment to the relationship and willingness to work through challenges together.

Spend quality time together: Spending quality time together can strengthen your bond and build trust. Make time for date nights, shared hobbies, and other activities you enjoy.

💊 How To Take Your Dose:

This week, keep these tips top of mind in your friendships and romantic relationships to ensure you're creating a safe and trusting place for those around you.

 Building trust takes time and effort, and it requires a willingness to be vulnerable and open with your partner. By following these tips and making an effort to prioritize your relationship, you can strengthen your bond and build a foundation of trust that will last a lifetime.

Real Stories From Real People 

Overcoming Anxiety & Depression: Jody's Journey Through Three Pregnancies

"I have struggled with anxiety and depression for most of my life, but never more so than when I was pregnant with each of my three children. With my first, everything was new and unexpected, and I constantly worried that I would do something wrong or eat something unsafe for him. I constantly feared transmitting some dangerous disease to him and washed my hands until they were red and raw. My pregnancy with him was so painful, nerve-wracking, and exhausting that I feared I’d never be able to do it again. People told me repeatedly that the second time would be easier, and I only half-believed it. 

When I got pregnant for the second time, I noticed I didn’t feel quite sick, fatigued, and miserable, and I thought maybe those people had been right. Unfortunately, I didn’t feel lousy because my hormone levels were dropping back to normal. I started to miscarry at a little over 11 weeks, and we learned that the baby had died due to a severe genetic abnormality. We were crushed by this loss and overjoyed when I got pregnant again later that year. As happy as I was, though, I was anxious that I would lose this baby too. Thankfully, he was perfectly healthy when he was born the following spring.

When our sons were 6 and 3, my husband and I decided to go for just one more baby. This time, I developed a bad case of gestational diabetes and required insulin shots to control my glucose levels. I also became so anemic from the pregnancy that I had trouble walking, and my doctor sent me for iron infusions. My daughter was born healthy but slightly early with premature lungs, so she had to spend almost a week in the NICU for breathing support. We brought her home on February 22, 2020, just in time for the world to shut down for COVID-19. Yikes!

Every day I look at my three beautiful children and count my blessings that they are healthy and happy. And then I remember that I was willing to put myself through hell to bring them here. Knowing that there is no limit to my love for them reminds me that, in my own way, I am as strong as anyone out there."

Jody Mullen, Senior Content Writer for 1AND1

***If you'd like to be featured in our Real Stories From Real People section, fill out this form. You could end up in one of our weekly drops and inspire thousands of readers with your story.

That's it for Drop 012!  Thank you for reading, and we'll see you on Friday for some "Extra Sauce" 😏🍝  Remember — 1 Step At A Time, 1 Day At A Time, 1% Better, Together. ☝️👆

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