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  • Drop 018: Burnout, Beating Migraines, & Hannah's Inspiring Story

Drop 018: Burnout, Beating Migraines, & Hannah's Inspiring Story

Welcome to Drop 018 of the 1AND1 Newsletter! (Your weekly dose of 1% better😎) We’re trying out a shorter version of the newsletter this week - let us know what you think about the changes by rating the newsletter and leaving us a comment! Here’s what we’ve got for you this week ⬇️

  • Tips on how to handle/prevent burnout

  • How you can help lessen those pesky headaches and migraines

  • What to know about your credit score reports

  • How to better express your love languages and learn your partners’, too

  • Author, Hannah Blum, shares her story of how she found herself and became a mental health advocate after a mental breakdown

Let’s get into it!

Beat Burnout With These Simple Tips!

Burnout can damage your well-being, but recognizing its signs and taking preventive steps are key to maintaining balance.

Signs: fatigue, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and feeling overwhelmed.

Preventive steps: set realistic goals, establish boundaries, prioritize self-care, and seek support.

💊 How To Take Your Dose:

This week, schedule a self-care activity and treat it as non-negotiable. Delegate or eliminate one task to lighten your workload.

Lessen Headaches With These Effective Strategies

Understanding chronic headaches and their triggers can help you manage symptoms and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Strategies: identify triggers, maintain consistent routines, use appropriate medication, practice relaxation techniques, stay hydrated, and consider alternative therapies.

💊 How To Take Your Dose:

Start a headache diary to track triggers and incorporate a relaxation technique into your daily routine.

Decode Credit Scores & Reports For Better Financial Health

Understanding your credit score and report can save money and open up financial opportunities.

Steps: review your credit report, dispute inaccuracies, pay bills on time, reduce credit utilization, diversify your credit, and limit hard inquiries.

💊 How To Take Your Dose:

Review your credit report for accuracy and create a plan to reduce credit utilization.

Strengthen Your Relationships By Understanding Love Languages

Love languages help you understand emotional needs, leading to healthier relationships. They include: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch.

Steps: identify your love language, discover your partner's, practice using love languages, be receptive to your partner's expressions, and adapt and grow.

💊 How To Take Your Dose:

Take the love languages quiz and share results with your partner. Plan a date or activity incorporating both your love languages to foster connection and understanding.

How Hannah’s Bi Polar II Diagnoses Encouraged Her to Become a Mental Health Advocate

“I have always felt different. As a kid, my mind raced heavily and I wandered in my imagination to the point of dissociation. I would create stories that were almost visible. I drifted into fantasy constantly to the extent that I’d isolate, but it felt safe. It wasn’t until my junior year of high school that I felt my mind becoming more of an enemy than a companion.

On the outside, I appeared to have the perfect life. I was popular, an athlete, prom queen and even won “Best Smile” in school. Even though the symptoms of bipolar were present, it was not until my sophomore year of college that it all surfaced. I had a mental breakdown, and dropped out of college. My family took me back home to North Carolina. It is a part of my past that is still difficult to recall, a lot of those memories are lost. It’s something I have blacked out.

After leaving school, I was involuntarily institutionalized at a hospital where I received a bipolar 2 diagnosis. I remember the moment I was told by doctors. We all sat at a long cold steel table and the head psychologist said, “We’ve concluded that you have bipolar II disorder and…” Before he could finish his sentence I replied with one word, “No.” After hearing it, I went to the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror, rubbing my face, trying to see this monster or toxic person I had been told people with bipolar are.

The hospital was a dark place for many reasons. There are injustices unspoken of going on behind white walls. It was a rural area, very poor, and I saw first hand the unfair treatment of unseen people. After I left, I was still lost and relapsed days later after my release. However, I did feel I left with a purpose, I just didn’t trust myself enough to understand it. I felt very lost and even had a relapse after that. It took me years to accept my diagnosis and find peace with it. It wasn’t until I started pursuing my degree in Media Communication and getting involved in advocacy that I found self-acceptance. I had the resources to study the structure of stigma on a deeper level.

Since educating myself and being involved in activism, I work to educate those around me through art and using my voice to speak up. Writing has always been an outlet for me, the pen is the vessel to the thoughts in my mind becoming tangible. It’s similar to the way a translator makes sense of a foreign language. Writing is freedom and it has the power to create connections.

I was nervous the first time I put a piece of my writing out there, specifically on social media. I didn’t know how people would interpret it, but part of me knew that I had to share my art. It’s taken me this far, and has given me the opportunity to be closer to my community. Those who follow and support my work are my inspiration. They are my muses.

I want to continue to grow my platform and give a voice to the voiceless through art and speaking my truth. Sharing what I have learned over the last decade to help build an even stronger, bolder, empathetic community of love and justice.”

Hannah Blum, Author and Mental Health Advocate

***If you'd like to be featured in our Real Stories From Real People section, fill out this form. You could end up in one of our weekly drops and inspire thousands of readers with your story.

That's a wrap for Drop 018! We'll see you on Friday for some "Extra Sauce" 😏🍝 Remember 1 Step At A Time, 1 Day At A Time, 1% Better, Together. ☝️👆

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