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  • Drop 054: Sober Sipping, Spending Smart & More!

Drop 054: Sober Sipping, Spending Smart & More!

Drop 054 Preview ⬇️

Happy MLK Day! Do something kind for someone today. As MLK said, “It’s always the right time to do the right thing.” ✊🏾✊🏻✊🏽✊🏿

  • Ways that a sauna can help your mind

  • How to get through Dry January with tasty alternatives

  • Tips on how to not overspend with contactless payments

  • How to find healthy guidance when struggling in your relationship

Let’s get into it, fam!

The Mental Health Benefits of Sauna Use

Saunas are not just for physical relaxation; they also offer significant benefits for mental health. The heat and the quiet space provide a unique environment conducive to mental and emotional well-being. Here's how incorporating sauna sessions can positively impact your mental health.

  • Stress Reduction: The heat in a sauna helps relax muscles and release tension, which can significantly reduce stress levels and promote a sense of calmness.

  • Improved Sleep Quality: Regular sauna use, particularly in the evening, can aid in deeper, more restful sleep, crucial for mental health maintenance.

  • Enhanced Mood: The heat stimulates the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals, which can improve mood and provide a sense of happiness and well-being.

  • Mindfulness and Meditation Opportunity: The quiet, isolated environment of a sauna is ideal for practicing mindfulness or meditation, allowing for mental clarity and focus. There are sauna blankets you can use as well in the comfort of your home!

  • Detoxification and Mental Clarity: While the physical detoxification benefits of saunas are well-known, they also help in achieving mental clarity by providing a space free from distractions and the hustle of daily life.

💊 How To Take Your Dose:

Schedule regular sauna sessions, ideally 2-3 times a week. Use this time not just for physical relaxation, but as an opportunity to disconnect, reflect, and practice mindfulness. After each session, take a few moments to notice any changes in your mental state.

Sipping Smart: Tasty Alternatives for Dry Days

Whether it's Dry January or a personal choice, exploring non-alcoholic beverages can be both fun and beneficial for your health. Let’s check out these options.

  • Herbal Infusions and Teas: Discover the calming and health-boosting properties of various herbal teas.

  • Fruit-Infused Sparkling Water: A refreshing and hydrating choice with a dash of natural fruit flavors.

  • Non-Alcoholic Cocktails: Experiment with mocktail recipes for a sophisticated drink experience without alcohol.

  • Kombucha: A fermented beverage that's both tasty and great for gut health.

  • Smoothies and Health Tonics: Nutrient-packed drinks that can energize and nourish your body.

💊 How To Take Your Dose:

This week, challenge yourself to create and try a different non-alcoholic beverage each day, choosing from the list above or finding another option you like. Notice any differences in your health and performance!

Tapping Wisely With Your Finances

While contactless payments offer convenience, they can also lead to impulsive spending. Here's how to keep your digital finances in check.

  • Set Spending Limits: Use app settings to put a cap on your daily or weekly contactless spending.

  • Track Your Purchases: Regularly review your transactions to stay aware of where your money is going.

  • Use Budgeting Apps: Leverage technology to create and stick to a budget.

  • Be Mindful of Small Transactions: Small, frequent taps can add up; be mindful of these 'invisible' expenses.

  • Separate Needs and Wants: Before tapping, ask yourself if the purchase is a need or a want.

💊 How To Take Your Dose:

For one week, keep a small notebook or use a budget tracker app to jot down every contactless purchase you make, no matter how small. At the end of the week, review this list to gain insights into your spending patterns and identify areas where you can cut back.

Finding Authentic Guidance For Relationships

In an era where anyone can be a relationship guru online, it's crucial to seek advice that's grounded in expertise and empathy. Here are tips on how to help you find proper guidance.

  • Seek Credentialed Professionals: Look for coaches or counselors with verified qualifications and positive reviews.

  • Avoid One-Size-Fits-All Advice: Recognize that each relationship is unique and requires personalized guidance.

  • Use Trusted Platforms: Engage with well-known platforms or apps known for their credibility in relationship advice.

  • Balance Online Advice with Personal Intuition: Use online guidance as a starting point, but trust your judgment and feelings.

  • Attend Workshops or Webinars: Participate in events led by experts for deeper insights and interactive experiences.

💊 How To Take Your Dose:

Research and book a 30-minute consultation with a certified relationship coach this week. Use this session to discuss a specific relationship issue you're facing and get professional advice on how to address it.

That's a wrap for Drop 054! We'll see you on Friday for some "Extra Sauce." 😏🍝 Remember 1 Step At A Time, 1 Day At A Time, 1% Better Together. ☝️👆

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