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  • Drop 076: How To Rewire Your Brain, Sweat Smart, and Transform Your Money Mindset

Drop 076: How To Rewire Your Brain, Sweat Smart, and Transform Your Money Mindset

PLUS: Here's Why The Best Relationships Begin As "Best Friends"

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  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Rewiring Your Brain for Better Mental Health 🧠

  • The Sauna Revolution: Unlocking the Benefits of Heat Therapy πŸ”₯

  • Transforming Your Money Mindset: From Limiting Beliefs to Financial Abundance πŸ’°

  • From Best Friends to Life Partners: Identifying the Green Flags of a Strong Relationship πŸ’‘

Happy Monday, fam! Let's get into this week's doses of wisdom to help you become 1% Better, Togetherβ„’. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Rewiring Your Brain for Better Mental Health

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a powerful tool for combating depression, anxiety, and negative thought patterns. Here's what you need to know:

What is CBT? CBT is a goal-oriented psychotherapy that focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors to improve emotional regulation and develop coping strategies.

The Science: CBT works by altering neural pathways in the brain, particularly in the prefrontal cortex and amygdala, which are responsible for emotional regulation and fear responses.

Implementing CBT in Daily Life:

1️⃣ Identify negative thoughts

2️⃣ Challenge these thoughts with evidence

3️⃣ Replace negative thoughts with realistic, positive ones

4️⃣ Practice new thought patterns consistently

πŸ’Š How To Take Your Dose:

Set a SMART Goal to practice CBT techniques daily for two weeks. For example: "I will identify and challenge one negative thought each day, replacing it with a positive one, and journal about the experience for 10 minutes." Use the 1AND1 App to track your progress and reflect on how your thought patterns change over time.

The Sauna Revolution: Unlocking the Benefits of Heat Therapy

Saunas are more than just a relaxing experience; they offer numerous health benefits for both body and mind:

Cardiovascular Health: Regular sauna use can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Muscle Recovery: Heat therapy helps reduce muscle soreness and accelerates recovery after exercise.

Stress Reduction: Sauna sessions trigger the release of endorphins, promoting relaxation and mental well-being.

Optimal Sauna Protocol: Aim for 15-20 minute sessions, 3-4 times per week, at temperatures between 150-175Β°F (65-80Β°C).

πŸ’Š How To Take Your Dose:

Set a SMART Goal to incorporate sauna sessions into your routine. For example: "I will have two 15-minute sauna sessions per week for the next month, gradually increasing to three sessions by the end of the month." 

Pay Day Money GIF


Transforming Your Money Mindset: From Limiting Beliefs to Financial Abundance

Your beliefs about money can significantly impact your financial success. Here's how to shift your mindset:

Identify Limiting Beliefs: Recognize thoughts like "Money is the root of all evil" or "I'll never be wealthy."

Challenge These Beliefs: Look for evidence that contradicts your limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones.

Visualize Success: Regularly imagine yourself achieving your financial goals to reinforce positive beliefs.

Practice Gratitude: Appreciate the money you have now to attract more abundance.

The Science: Neuroplasticity allows our brains to form new neural connections, enabling us to change our thought patterns and behaviors around money.

πŸ’Š How To Take Your Dose:

Set a SMART Goal to transform your money mindset. For example: "I will write down one limiting belief about money each day for two weeks, challenge it with evidence, and replace it with a positive affirmation."

Best Friends to Life Partners: Identifying the Green Flags of a Strong Relationship

While friendship is a great foundation for a romantic relationship, it's important to recognize the signs of a truly compatible partnership:

Mutual Respect and Trust: You value each other's opinions and feel secure in the relationship. You can TRULY be your full self around this person.

Effective Communication: You can discuss difficult topics openly and honestly without fear of judgment.

Shared Values and Goals: Your core beliefs and long-term aspirations align.

Emotional Support: You're there for each other during both good times and challenges.

Individual Growth: You encourage each other's personal development and independence.

πŸ’Š How To Take Your Dose:

Set a SMART Goal to evaluate and strengthen your relationship. For example: "For the next month, I will have a weekly 30-minute check-in with my partner to discuss our relationship, focusing on one 'green flag' area each week." Use the 1AND1 App to schedule these check-ins and note your insights and improvements in the relationship.

Remember, personal growth is a journey, not a destination. By understanding CBT, embracing sauna therapy, transforming your money mindset, and nurturing strong relationships, you're taking significant steps towards a healthier, more fulfilling life. Keep track of your progress and celebrate each milestone along the way!

That's a wrap for Drop 076! We'll see you on Friday for some "Extra Sauce." 😏🍝 Remember β€” 1 Step At A Time, 1 Day At A Time, 1% Better Together. β˜οΈπŸ‘†

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