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  • Drop 077: Your Anxiety Attack Toolkit, Exploring Soursop Bitters, and Harnessing AI for Your Finances

Drop 077: Your Anxiety Attack Toolkit, Exploring Soursop Bitters, and Harnessing AI for Your Finances

PLUS: Protecting Your Relationship in the Age of Social Media

Drop 077 Preview ⬇️

  • Anxiety Attack Toolkit: Quick Strategies to Calm Your Mind and Body πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ

  • Soursop Bitters: Trending Supplement or Overhyped Fad? πŸƒ

  • AI-Powered Finance: Leveraging Technology for Smarter Money Management πŸ’°

  • Digital Age Dating: Navigating Social Media's Impact on Relationships πŸ’‘

Happy Monday, and welcome to another dose of 1% Better, Together! Let's dive in ⬇️

Anxiety Attack Toolkit: Quick Strategies to Calm Your Mind and Body

When anxiety or panic attacks strike, having a set of go-to techniques can help you regain control. Here's your quick toolkit:

Deep Breathing: Practice the 4-7-8 technique (inhale for 4 counts, hold for 7, exhale for 8).

Grounding Exercises: Use the 5-4-3-2-1 method (identify 5 things you see, 4 you feel, 3 you hear, 2 you smell, and 1 you taste).

Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Tense and then relax each muscle group in your body.

Mindfulness: Focus on the present moment, acknowledging your thoughts without judgment.

Positive Self-Talk: Use affirmations like "This will pass" or "I am safe."

πŸ’Š How To Take Your Dose:

Set a SMART Goal to practice one anxiety-reducing technique daily for the next two weeks. For example: "I will practice the 4-7-8 breathing technique for 5 minutes each morning.” You can use our free app to create this habit, track your progress and hold yourself accountable. At the end of two weeks, evaluate which technique works best for you and create your personalized anxiety toolkit.

Soursop bitters, derived from the soursop fruit, have gained popularity as of late for their potential health benefits:


  • May have anti-inflammatory properties

  • Potential antioxidant effects

  • Some studies suggest anti-cancer properties (more research needed)

Who They're For:

  • People looking for natural supplements to support overall health

  • Those interested in potential natural immune system support

Who They're Not For:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women (due to lack of safety data)

  • People with certain medical conditions or on specific medications (consult a healthcare provider)

  • People that don’t like liquids with bad aftertaste (it’s pretty bad lol)

πŸ’Š How To Take Your Dose:

If you're considering trying soursop bitters, set a SMART Goal to do your own research and consult with a healthcare professional. For example: "I will schedule an appointment with my PCP within the next two weeks to discuss the potential benefits and risks of soursop bitters for my specific health situation."

AI-Powered Finance: Leveraging Technology for Smarter Money Management

Artificial Intelligence can be a powerful tool for improving your financial habits. Here are some specific AI-powered tools to consider:

Budgeting Apps: 

  • Mint: Uses AI to categorize your spending and suggest personalized budgets.

  • YNAB (You Need A Budget): Employs machine learning to help you allocate funds and predict expenses.

Investment Robo-Advisors: 

  • Wealthfront: Offers AI-driven portfolio management and financial planning.

  • Betterment: Uses algorithms to optimize your investments and provide tax-loss harvesting.

Bill Negotiation: 

  • Trim: AI-powered assistant that analyzes your spending and negotiates bills on your behalf.

  • Truebill: Uses AI to identify and cancel unwanted subscriptions and negotiate lower rates.

Fraud Detection: 

  • IBM Trusteer: Provides AI-powered fraud detection for personal and business accounts.

  • Feedzai: Offers real-time risk assessment for financial transactions.

Personalized Financial Education: 

  • Acorns: Provides AI-curated financial literacy content based on your spending habits and goals.

  • Cleo: An AI chatbot that offers personalized financial advice and education.

πŸ’Š How To Take Your Dose:

Set a SMART Goal to implement one AI-powered financial tool in the next month. For example: "I will sign up for Mint, connect my accounts, and use it consistently for 30 days to track all my expenses and receive AI-powered insights on my spending habits."

Digital Age Dating: Navigating Social Media's Impact on Relationships

Social media can create unrealistic expectations and foster comparison in relationships. Here's how to protect your partnership:

Set Boundaries: Agree on social media usage rules within your relationship.

Practice Digital Detox: Regularly unplug and focus on quality time together.

Communicate Openly: Discuss any concerns about social media's impact on your relationship.

Cultivate Gratitude: Regularly express appreciation for your partner and your relationship.

Focus on Reality: Remember that social media often shows a curated version of others' lives. The grass is always greener where you water it, not on the other side.

πŸ’Š How To Take Your Dose:

Set a SMART Goal to improve your relationship's resilience against social media's negative impacts. For example: "We will implement a 'phone-free' date night once a week for the next month, focusing on quality time and connection.”

Remember, personal growth is an ongoing journey. By implementing these strategies for managing anxiety, making informed health decisions, leveraging AI for financial success, and nurturing your relationships in the digital age, you're taking important steps towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.

That's a wrap for Drop 077! We'll see you on Friday for some "Extra Sauce." 😏🍝 Remember β€” 1 Step At A Time, 1 Day At A Time, 1% Better Together. β˜οΈπŸ‘†

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