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  • Drop 52: New Year's Resolutions, Deepening Connections & More!

Drop 52: New Year's Resolutions, Deepening Connections & More!

Welcome to 2024!

Drop 052 Preview ⬇️

Happy New Year! We are thrilled that you’ve joined us in another year of growth, learning, healing, and so much more. Let’s make 2024 one for the books. We’re in this together and can’t wait to get 1% better each day.

Here’s a preview for this drop……

  • How to stick to your resolutions

  • Ways to incorporate workouts into your busy schedule

  • Tips for having better spending habits

  • Unique ways to deepen your connection with your partner

Let’s get into it, fam!

Resolute Mind: Staying True to Your Resolutions

As we step into a new year, sticking to resolutions can be challenging. Here’s how you can stay committed and keep your mind focused:

  • Set Realistic Goals: Choose resolutions that are achievable and measurable. This makes it easier to track progress and stay motivated.

  • Break It Down: To keep track of your resolutions, divide them into smaller, manageable tasks. This helps to avoid being overwhelmed and maintain focus.

  • Visualize Success: Spend a few minutes each day visualizing achieving your resolution. This mental rehearsal boosts confidence and focus.

  • Accountability Partners: Share your goals with a friend or family member who can keep you accountable.

  • Celebrate Small Wins: Recognize and celebrate each small milestone. This helps you become 1% better each day and reinforces positive behavior that keeps you motivated.

💊 How To Take Your Dose:

Write down one resolution and break it into three smaller tasks this week. Celebrate each completion to maintain momentum.

Integrating Exercise into a Busy Life

Incorporating exercise into a hectic schedule can seem daunting, but it's crucial for physical wellness. Here's how to make it work:

  • Schedule Your Workouts: Treat exercise like any important appointment. Block out time in your calendar and stick to it. You can even do these exercises at home!

  • Short and Effective: Opt for high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts that can be done in 20-30 minutes but are highly effective.

  • Active Commuting: If possible, bike or walk to work. Alternatively, park further away or take the stairs to add more activity to your day.

  • Desk Exercises: Incorporate simple exercises like seated leg lifts or stretches during your work breaks.

  • Weekend Active Outings: Plan active weekend activities like hiking, swimming, or cycling.

💊 How To Take Your Dose:

Start this week by scheduling three 20-minute workout sessions. Remember, consistency is key.

Innovative Ways to Manage Money

Exploring new strategies for financial wellness can bring a refreshing perspective to managing your money. Here are some innovative tips:

  • Expense Journaling: Beyond tracking, write a short note on how each expense made you feel. This emotional audit can reveal spending patterns linked to mood.

  • Weekly No-Spend Day: Designate one day a week as a no-spend day. This small challenge can build mindfulness around spending.

  • Use Technology Wisely: Explore mobile banking and financial apps that round up purchases and save the difference. It's a painless way to save small amounts consistently.

  • Invest in Learning: Allocate a small budget each month for financial education, like books or online courses. Knowledge can be a powerful tool in managing finances better.

  • Mindful Shopping Lists: Before shopping, create a list and stick to it. This habit curbs impulse buying and ensures you purchase only what you truly need.

💊 How To Take Your Dose:

This week, try the Expense Journaling method. After each purchase, jot down a few words about how the spending aligns with your financial goals and emotional state.

Deepening Connections: Unique Ways to Grow Together

Keeping the spark alive in a relationship requires continuous effort and creativity. Here are some engaging activities that can bring you closer to your partner:

  • Question Jar Game: Deepen your understanding of each other through this playful yet insightful game.

  • Morning Intentions: Have a low dopamine morning with your partner. Start your day by sharing your goals and plans, enhancing mutual support.

  • Bonding in the Morning: Dedicate the first few minutes of your day to each other, strengthening your emotional connection.

  • Couple's Workout: Share the journey of physical wellness by working out together.

  • Cook together: Cooking and finding new recipes can be a fun experience. This can enhance your communication, trust, and encourage you to try new things together.

💊 How To Take Your Dose:

This week, integrate these activities into your routine. Start with the 'Question Jar Game' for an evening of discovery. Each morning, share your day's intention with your partner, followed by a short bonding session. Finally, pick a day for a couple's workout or a night in to cook. Notice how these shared experiences enrich your connection.

That's a wrap for Drop 052! We'll see you on Friday for some "Extra Sauce." 😏🍝 Remember 1 Step At A Time, 1 Day At A Time, 1% Better Together. ☝️👆

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