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  • ES ๐Ÿ 062: Positive Affirmations, Mental Health In The Entertainment Industry & More

ES ๐Ÿ 062: Positive Affirmations, Mental Health In The Entertainment Industry & More

PLUS: Some good news! (duh)

๐Ÿ In Todayโ€™s Extra Sauceโ€ฆ

  • More good news!

  • Some product picks from our experts

  • A note from Minaa B. about positive affirmations

  • An Off the Cuff episode that unpacks mental health in the entertainment industry.

Letโ€™s dive in!

Discover the power of self-care and community care with Minaa B., 1AND1's Chief Behavioral Officer and licensed therapist, as she shares actionable tips in "Minaa's Minute" each week โ€” check it out below! โฌ‡๏ธ

Affirmations and positive reminders can be a great way to develop emotional intimacy in your relationship. For this week, write down a list of five affirmations you want to say to your partner that embodies how you feel about them as well as how they make you feel.

Minaa B

In Season 2, Episode 05, Danny welcomes Nikka Graff Lanzarone, a multifaceted actress known for her dynamic presence both on stage and behind the scenes as a labor advocate. This episode dives deep into the realms of mental health within the demanding entertainment industry and the revelations and challenges that come with a late-in-life ADHD diagnosis.

Nikka opens up about her journey with depression and anxiety, illuminating how these struggles have sculpted her as a performer and person. She discusses the liberating and therapeutic power of dance, offering her a cherished respite from her inner turmoil, "When you're dancing, you don't have to deal with any of that. All you have to do is say whatever it is you're trying to say and you don't have to talk... I get a break from me."

The episode also touches on a pivotal moment in Nikka's lifeโ€”the "epiphany" of being diagnosed with ADHD at 37. She candidly shares the mixed emotions of relief and grief that accompanied her diagnosis, lamenting the years lived without understanding her condition, "There's also like a certain amount of grieving that comes with [being diagnosed], that you're like, โ€˜Oh, so it didn't have to be like this my whole life. Cool.โ€™โ€

Moreover, Nikka challenges the longstanding adage in showbiz that "the show must go on," advocating for a shift towards a culture that prioritizes mental well-being over relentless performance. Her work as a labor advocate underscores her commitment to fostering a healthier environment within the industry.

Join us for an episode that not only offers an inside look at the struggles and triumphs of a talented performer but also sheds light on the broader conversation of mental health awareness, diagnosis, and the importance of self-care and advocacy in the arts. Nikka's story is a compelling call to action to redefine norms and support mental health in every sphere.

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That's it for ๐Ÿ Extra Sauce ๐Ÿ 056. Please rate our newsletter below and send us some thoughts on how we can be 1% better, too! Remember โ€” 1 Step At A Time, 1 Day At A Time, 1% Better, Together. โ˜๏ธ๐Ÿ‘†

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